The Ioncell-F™ process adapted for the conversion of waste-cotton into new textile was awarded as one of five winners among 2,700 proposals.
Exhibition on the 16th – 20th of May, at 8 – 16, Aalto ARTS, Hämeentie 135 C, Helsinki
Seminars on the 18th – 19th of May 2016, Sampo hall, Aalto ARTS, Hämeentie 135 C, Helsinki
Cost: Free
Welcome: All Aalto Students and Staff + external visitors
Event invitation: Designing cellulose for the future II.pdf
Registration latest by 6.5.2016:
If you are interested in presenting your novel innovative cellulose based products at the event, read more:
Professors Tapani Vuorinen and Pirjo Kääriäinen awarded at the Opening of the Academic Year 2.9.2014.
The aim of the Aalto Act of the Year Award is to recognise a significant initiative or action in the Aalto University community. The Aalto Act of the Year Award 2014 goes to Professors Pirjo Kääriäinen from the School of Arts, Design and Architecture and Tapani Vuorinen from the School of Chemical Technology in recognition of their interdisciplinary work in creating the CHEMARTS project.
This is a test for a blogpost of students.
Multidisciplinary expertise from Aalto University was on display at the end of November in Brussels at the paper industry’s European Paper Week.
Aalto University is part of the Design Driven Value Chains in the World of Cellulose project, which received nearly 3 million euros in funding during the Tekes Large Strategic Research Openings application round.
This past summer was a creative time for the six students who worked on the CHEMARTS project. Their assignment was to plan a brand for Finnish cellulose, brainstorm future cellulose-based applications and consider how to best communicate information about cellulose to people.
A summer project CHEMARTS envisioned how to make the general public aware of Finnish cellulose. Their assignment was to plan a brand for Finnish cellulose, brainstorm future cellulose-based applications and consider how to best communicate information about cellulose to people.
Jaakko Paloheimo is a project manager at the Department of Forest Products Technology where he spends time on the development of wood products and wood construction, but he also works in interdisciplinary projects at Aalto University.