Where: Aalto University, Harald Herlin Learning Centre (Otaniementie 9), Espoo, Finland, as a part of Helsinki Design Week Designs for a Cooler Planet event.
When: 5.-26.9.2019, Mon-Thu 8am to 9pm, Fri 8am to 8pm, Sat 10am to 3pm. (Vernissage 4.9. 5pm)
Free entry
The aim of CHEMARTS is to inspire designers and material researchers to explore bio-based materials for novel material solutions and their innovative applications. The CHEMARTS philosophy is based on sustainability, with the focus being on renewable raw materials, the utilization of side streams and waste, and the creation of biodegradable and/or recyclable materials.
The interdisciplinary CHEMARTS Summer School has been organized since 2012 for Aalto University students. The course focuses on hands-on material experimentations, and students are encouraged to explore topics they are personally interested in. As part of the course, the results are annually documented in a catalogue and displayed in an exhibition designed by the participants.
This year, the overall theme of the Summer School was ‘Value from plant residues’. Some students worked within the theme; some decided to have other approaches. This exhibition showcases the student’s ideas, processes and the most interesting experiments.
CHEMARTS, established in 2012, is a strategic collaboration in education and research between the School of Arts, Design and Architecture and the School of Chemical Engineering.
* During September, Aalto University’s unique Designs for a Cooler Planet exhibition ensemble will introduce solutions that support more sustainable lifestyles. Otaniemi galleries present ten multidisciplinary exhibitions at which we can learn about future cruisers, furniture made of construction waste, ecological textiles, products made of new materials, participatory development of a city district as well as Finland’s exhibition from the Venice Biennial curated by Aalto.*
Working group: Summer School students from Aalto School of Arts, Design and Architecture and Aalto School of Chemical Engineering, taught by Pirjo Kääriäinen, Tapani Vuorinen, Jinze Dou, Nina Riutta, and Iines Jakovlev (Aalto University)